Using AI to aid Radiologists
Our flagship solution, VisiRad®XR, uses sophisticated computer vision technology to identify lung nodules and masses in chest x-rays. VisiRad, the cornerstone to our mission of improving lung cancer outcomes, is modeled after the expert accuracy and acumen of world-class radiologists practicing at the top of their license.
Identifying overlooked lung nodules is an opportunity to stage-shift lung cancer and treat patients sooner
Early detection is the key to improving outcomes for cancer patients. Currently, 49% of lung cancer diagnoses occur at Stage IV, where the cancer has metastasized to other organs and the prognosis is often grim—the 5-year survival rate for stage IV lung cancer is only 10%. Lung cancer is generally asymptomatic until late stages and is often only detected incidentally, when a chest x-ray or CT is performed for another reason.
Lung nodules, an early indication of lung cancer, can be detected in chest x-rays; however they are often overlooked due to their visual subtlety and rarity in routine care. Combined with increasingly intense workloads for radiologists (over 240 million x-rays are performed per year in the US), the opportunity to aid clinicians in identifying lung nodules is ever-growing. VisiRad aims to close the gap in current early lung cancer detection, enabling hospitals to treat cancer patients sooner when outcomes are much better.
VisiRaD puts overlooked findings in plain view

Our Model Is Different
What makes VisiRad different? Our model is based on a growing contributory database consortium using longitudinal outcomes. Combined with our computer vision technology and advanced machine learning, this more accurate data will lead to a new standard of care based on superior diagnostic accuracy.
VisiRad is available to hospitals, radiology practices, nodule clinics, and health systems for research purposes only.
Sign up for a complimentary VisiRad demo*
*For research purposes only. Click here for more information on participation, privacy and security.