As part of our FDA 510(k) regulatory requirements, we are conducting a clinical study with the UC Health’s radiology department. The study will have two arms and at least 10 radiologists, where the improvement in detection accuracy is measured by the...
We Made the Pledge! As a Colorado company, we are proud to support our local community by pledging 1% of the equity in our company to the state of Colorado. Pledge 1% is a way to leverage a portion of our future success to support nonprofits in our community. It’s a...
IMIDEX Presents at Rocky Mountain Life Sciences Investor and Partner Conference in Vail Company Overview IMIDEX is a clinical decision support company with the mission to improve lung cancer outcomes. Formed on the vision that data science can save lives, IMIDEX uses...
DENVER – IMIDEX is proud to announce that it has joined the elite group of health innovation leaders at Catalyst HTI in Denver, Colorado.Catalyst HTI is a one-of-kind project in the US, where healthcare providers, payers, and innovators all work and collaborate on one...